Opening Hours: Every Day 7 AM – 10:30 PM

Hotline: : 01755 666969, 01713 487903  | Doctor Info : 01756 203720, 01713 487901 & 01755 666 956

Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque

Md. Abdur Razzaque MD is a Rheumatologist. He obtained MBBS degree in 2003 and completed his MD (Residency) from BSMMU (PG Hospital) in January 2016. He is 1st EULAR (Europe) certified Rheumatologist in Bangladesh with successful completed his ciurse. He obtained a noble and unique honour from APLAR (Asia Pacific league of Association for Rheumatology) congress from Chennai, Indis in 2015. having champion in APLAR Quiz.